Saturday, May 2, 2009

Got Milk?

For something a little ridiculous, I have to share what Kyle's roommate did recently. He has two roommates, E who has lived with him since freshman year of college, and J who moved in last August when he started technical school in the area. J is much younger than Kyle and E and the rest of us, but his family knows E's family who got him into the spare room at Kyle's. Coming into an established group can be difficult and he often tries to just make everyone happy and be entertaining, but he's a little odd so it often fails. He also lives on cereal, which means that milk consumption at Kyle's shot up drastically since J moved in. Kyle does the grocery shopping and charges E and J $50/month. He often spends a little over that so it's understood that if something runs out before the next month, E and J can pick a few small items up. This obviously includes milk as J uses so much and you can't buy milk for a whole month.
Kyle stopped after work last week and got a gallon of chocolate because he wanted some and also a gallon of white. He got home and found that J had bought two gallons of white so they now had three gallons of white milk and gallon of chocolate. Kyle told J that they all really needed to drink milk since they ended up with so much. A few days later, J tells Kyle that he's been working on the milk and is almost done the chocolate. Why would anyone with a mind think that out of four gallons of milk (three white and one chocolate), that you needed to finish the chocolate off first? J told Kyle that he had told him to drink the chocolate, which is obviously not what he said. He just said to drink the milk and he assumed that J would use his common sense to see that he needed to work on the white milk. Obviously some people don't have any sense, and sadly, this isn't a case of having brains, but no common sense, but having little of either.

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